National NAIDOC Committee 2022

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A Week of Australian Culture in July

The National NAIDOC Committee 2022 has been announced, and it looks like it’s going to be a great year for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. This committee will be responsible for planning and executing the NAIDOC Week celebrations, which will take place from 3-10 July 2022. The theme of NAIDOC Week 2022 is “Get up! Stand up! Show up!”, and the committee is committed to celebrating the unique cultures and traditions of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

For those who seek more Information on Naidoc Week, the event is a celebration of the culture, history, and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. The week is held annually in the first full week of July, and this year it will run from July 3rd to July 10th.

The theme for NAIDOC Week 2022 is “Get up! Stand up! Show up!” which encourages all Australians to celebrate the unique cultures and traditions of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Get involved in NAIDOC Week by attending one of the many events that will be held around the country, or by simply showing your support on social media using the hashtag #NAIDOC2022.

NAIDOC Week was first launched in Australia in 1955 and has since grown to become one of the biggest and most important events on the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander calendar. So, make sure you don’t miss out – get involved in NAIDOC Week 2022.

This year, the committee is co-chaired by John Paul Janke and Shannon Dodson. Others on the committee include Lynette Riley, Ngarra Murray, Kenny Bedford, Kimberley Benjamin, Gordon Cole, Michell Tuahine, and Steve Satour. This select group of people will do their best to ensure that NAIDOC Week 2022 is a success.

What can you do to get involved? Well, there are plenty of ways. As well as the tips mentioned previously, you could start by getting in touch with your local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisation and seeing if they need any help with organising events. Or you could simply raise awareness and share posts online.

Torres Strait Islander Peoples Culture

The Torres Strait peoples are the Indigenous people of the Torres Strait Islands, located in Far North Queensland, Australia. The strait lies between Australia and Papua New Guinea. There are about 38,000 Islanders living on these islands, which have a total land area of around 18,000km².

The Torres Strait Islander peoples have a unique culture which is different from that of Aboriginal Australians. This is because they have been isolated from the mainland for many thousands of years. Their language, customs, and way of life are all distinctively their own.

One of the most important aspects of Torres Strait Islander culture is storytelling. Stories are used to teach morals and values, as well as to pass down history from one generation to the next. Music and dance are an essential part of Islander culture, with many different songs and dances being performed for different occasions.

Islander culture is also very family-oriented; extended families often live together in one house, and children are raised by their elders. Family is extremely important to Islanders, and they place a great deal of emphasis on respect for one’s elders.

If you ever have the chance to visit the Torres Strait Islands, be sure to take the time to learn about and experience the unique culture of the Islander peoples. You’ll be glad you did!

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